Majestic Wonders of South Iceland: Top 6 Tours and Activities

Iceland, a land of fire and ice, captivates travelers with its otherworldly landscapes, and South Iceland stands out as a region that seamlessly weaves together nature's wonders. From powerful waterfalls to towering glaciers, South Iceland is a treasure trove of breathtaking sights and thrilling activities. Embark on a journey with us as we unveil the top tours and activities that promise an unforgettable adventure in this mesmerizing part of the world.

Glacier Hiking on Sólheimajökull: Where Earth and Ice Collide

South Iceland is home to numerous glaciers, and one of the most accessible and breathtaking is Sólheimajökull. Join a glacier hiking tour and embark on a thrilling journey across the icy expanse. Professional guides lead you through a mesmerizing world of crevasses, ice sculptures, and stunning panoramic views.

Solheimajokull 3-Hours Glacier Hike

Strap on your hiking boots for an awe-inspiring journey up Sólheimajökull glacier in southern Iceland. This comprehensive glacier tour offers a blend of adventure and education. Your guide equips you with all necessary gear for a safe and comfortable exploration of one of Earth's natural wonders. A brisk 30-minute walk from the Sólheimajökull parking lot leads you to the glacier's edge, a testament to its gradual recession due to warming temperatures and natural movement. Marvel at millennia-old blue ice, peer into a glacier moulin, and discover the ice cap's connection to the mighty Katla volcano. Don't miss the chance to witness this extraordinary landscape where silence meets isolation. Book the Solheimajokull 3-Hours Glacier Hike!

Solheimajokull Ice Climbing & Glacier Hike

Embark on a comprehensive glacier tour, delving into the wonders of Sólheimajökull in southern Iceland. Learn from experienced guides about massive natural phenomena, equipped with all necessary gear for a safe and comfortable adventure. Immerse in the basics of ice climbing, conquering vertical crevasse walls. Ideal for those seeking to encounter Earth's natural marvels, the tour unveils millennia-old blue ice, glacier moulins, and a breathtaking view of the Katla volcano beneath the ice cap. With safety briefings and equipment provided, even first-timers will confidently explore the eerie silence and isolation of this vast world of ice and snow. Book the Solheimajokull Ice Climbing & Glacier Hike!

Seljalandsfoss, Skógafoss and The Black Sand Beach of Reynisfjara

Iceland is synonymous with waterfalls, and two of the most spectacular ones are found in South Iceland. Seljalandsfoss, a 60-meter high cascade, offers a unique experience as you can walk behind the waterfall. Feel the mist on your face and marvel at the ethereal beauty of the surrounding scenery.

Skógafoss, just a short drive from Seljalandsfoss, is a massive waterfall plunging from a height of 60 meters. The sheer power of Skógafoss is not only a visual spectacle but also an auditory one, as the thundering sound fills the air. Don't forget to climb the stairs adjacent to the falls for an unparalleled view of the South Icelandic coastline.

Reynisfjara, with its striking black sand, towering basalt columns, and dramatic cliffs, is a photographer's dream. This unique beach on the South Coast is not only visually stunning but also rich in folklore. Legend has it that the basalt columns were once trolls who were caught in the sunlight and turned to stone.

South Coast day tour in a small group

Embark on the Viking Trail from Reykjavik, meandering through agricultural hubs like Selfoss and Hvollsvöllur. Transitioning from lowland vistas to towering ice caps, the journey unfolds a captivating tapestry of glaciers, farmlands, and volcanoes on one side, with the alluring Westman Islands shimmering on the horizon. Stops at Seljalandsfoss and Gljúfrabúi offer waterfall wonders, while Skógarfoss showcases a dramatic 60-meter fall. Explore the unique coastal village of Vík í Mýrdal, capturing panoramic views from its church. At Reynisfjara's black sand beaches, witness the mighty North Atlantic's striking collision. Continuing the Viking Trail, the coastal road leads to Sólheimajökull glacier, creating a day of indelible memories to relish in Reykjavik. Book the South Coast day tour in a small group!

Thorsmork: A Hidden Oasis

Nestled between glaciers and mountains, Thorsmork (Þórsmörk) is a verdant oasis in the rugged wilderness of South Iceland. Accessible by specially equipped vehicles, Thorsmork offers a haven for hikers and nature enthusiasts. Explore diverse landscapes, from lush valleys to glacial rivers, as you embark on trails that reveal the raw beauty of this remote area.

Thorsmork and Eyjafjallajokull

Experience the elegance of Seljalandsfoss waterfall, where a unique feature allows you to walk behind the cascading stream for an extraordinary viewpoint. Our journey continues to the legendary Thórsmörk valley, nestled among three glaciers, with a stop at Gígjökull glacier. Hike to the edge of the majestic Eyjafjallajökull glacier, descending from a volcano summit with intricate crevasses. Traverse deep, roaring rivers surrounding Thórsmörk's wooded landscapes, providing ample time for exploration and admiration of its many viewpoints. As Iceland's most popular hiking area, Thórsmörk captivates with natural beauty. Conclude this exhilarating Superjeep excursion with a drive back to the capital. Book the Thorsmork and Eyjafjallajokull Tour!

Mýrdalsjökull and Kötlujökull

Mýrdalsjökull, Iceland's fourth-largest glacier, is a vast and imposing ice cap covering an area of approximately 700 square miles. Mýrdalsjökull conceals the mighty Katla volcano beneath its frozen expanse. This glacier is a striking feature of Iceland's diverse and dynamic landscape, offering visitors a glimpse into the country's glacial beauty. Kötlujökull, an outlet glacier of the expansive Mýrdalsjökull, is a captivating natural wonder. Nestled in the southern part of the country, Kötlujökull is known for its majestic ice formations, deep crevasses, and awe-inspiring views. Towering over the rugged landscape, this glacier conceals the formidable Katla volcano beneath its icy veil.

Katla Ice Cave | Super Jeep from Vik

Embark on a thrilling adventure from Vík to the mysterious ice cave nestled in Kötlujökull Glacier. Traverse the road of "no man," offering bumpy rides and surreal mountain views cloaked in moss. The glacier, an outlet of Mýrdalsjökull, conceals the mighty Katla volcano beneath. Equipped with safety gear, your experienced guide provides a fascinating glacier walk before entering the enchanting "Dragon Ice Cave." Renowned for its stunning ice hues, this cave, also known as the "Dragon Glass" cave from Game of Thrones, promises a truly spectacular view. Brace yourself for an extraordinary encounter with nature's colors and mythical landscapes. Book the Katla Ice Cave | Super Jeep from Vik Tour!

2-Hour Buggy Experience Mýrdalsjökull Glacier

Gear up for an exhilarating adventure on our Glacier Buggy tour, unfolding against the breathtaking backdrop of Myrdalsjökull glacier. Experience the thrill as you speed across Iceland's untamed terrain, with the river mirroring the ever-changing sky. Venture to the glacier's edge, where the radiant ice meets the stark black desert sands—a sight etched in your memory. Ideal for thrill-seekers, this tour offers a unique ride for couples, friends, or solo travelers with a driver's license and a zest for adventure. Solo adventurers can amplify the excitement by driving alone at an additional cost. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey—secure your seat now for the Glacier Buggy tour of a lifetime! Book the 2-Hour Buggy Experience Mýrdalsjökull Glacier!

South Iceland's Tapestry of Wonders

In South Iceland, nature unfolds like a masterpiece, with each tour and activity revealing a different thread in the tapestry of wonders. From the thundering waterfalls of the Golden Circle to the serene beauty of Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon, every corner of this region invites exploration.

Embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, where glaciers meet volcanic landscapes, and ancient folklore intertwines with geological marvels. South Iceland is a destination that beckons the adventurous spirit, promising an immersion into the raw and untamed beauty of the land of fire and ice.