Hiking in Iceland - Top Tours and Activities

Iceland offers a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers. From cascading waterfalls to geothermal hot springs, Iceland's natural wonders are unparalleled. One of the best ways to experience the country's beauty is through hiking. With its diverse terrain and breathtaking trails, Iceland beckons hikers to immerse themselves in its raw and untamed wilderness. In this article, we will explore some of the top hiking tours available in Iceland, showcasing the incredible experiences awaiting avid trekkers.

Glacier Hikes in Iceland

Iceland's glaciers are among the country's natural wonders. Going on a glacier hike allows you to venture into these icy realms, discovering their beauty up close. Here is a summary of some of the best glacier hikes in Iceland.

Skaftafell Glacier Hike

Skaftafell is located in Vatnajökull National Park and the tours available range from 2.5 to 5 hours. The shortest tour is called Glacier Walk Express that will take you from Skaftafell National Park to the outlet glacier Falljökull. The guides will lead you to the edge of the glacier after a short drive on the glacier bus from Skaftafell. After spending roughly an hour exploring the glacier around its edges and taking photos, you head back on the glacier bus to Skaftafell.

You can also combine glacier hiking with ice climbing. From Skaftafell, you will be driven to the root of Svínafellsjökull, another outlet glacier from Vatnajökull. You will explore the ice formations and moulins while learning how they are formed and constantly change.

Private Glacier Hikes on the South Coast

Glacier Hike and South Coast Private Tour gives you the chance to get up close and personal with the glacier Sólheimajökull while also exploring the widely popular waterfalls, Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss. The first stop is at Seljalandsfoss, which you can walk behind, making for a unique experience. Second stop is at Skógafoss waterfall, where a chest of gold is hidden behind according to legend. The third stop is at Reynisfjara (“The Black Sand Beach” as it’s often labeled by foreigners). Last but not least is the glacier hike on Sólheimajökull, one of the most easily accessible glaciers from Reykjavík, where you can learn about its formation and features.

Private SuperJeep Tour and Glacier Hike in Southern Iceland also covers Seljalandsfoss, Skógafoss and Reynisfjara. The glacier hike on Sólheimajökull is the highlight of the day.

Volcano Hikes in Iceland

Iceland's volcanic landscapes are renowned for their dramatic beauty and otherworldly allure. Going on a volcano hike allows you to witness the raw power and geological wonders of these fiery formations up close. Here is a summary of volcano hikes in Iceland.

Reykjanes Volcano Hikes

See some of the most scenic sites of Reykjanes peninsula on the Reykjanes Peninsula Lava Tunnel Tour with a private guide, including a short hike to view the Geldingadalur volcano lava field (now dormant) and a journey into Raufarhólshellir Lava Tunnel. Reykjanes is one of the most volcanically active areas on the planet, right on the doorstep of Reykjavík.

Another option to see the lava field from Fagradalsfjall (Geldingadalur) is the Hike to Volcanic Eruption Sites & Reykjanes Tour which also takes you to lake Kleifarvatn, Gunnuhver hot springs, the lighthouse Reykjanesviti and the Bridge between two Continents. The hike to Fagradalsfjall volcano is medium. 

Semi Private Volcano Tour in Reykjanes - Half Day Hike includes a 4-6 hours long hike in a small group with full attention from the guides, with information about the raw power of nature and geology.

Fimmvorduhals Volcano Hike

The day tour starts in Skógar and follows the Skógá river (with over 20 waterfalls) and then between Eyjafjallajökull (that famously erupted in 2010) and Myrdalsjokull (with Katla volcano below). We will cross the volcanic area from 2010, where the lava is still warm and two new craters can be seen (Magni and Móði). From there, we descend into Þórsmörk nature reserve, from where we will return in super jeeps, crossing unbridged rivers. 

Best Hikes Near Reykjavík - Snæfellsnes, South Coast and West Iceland

Reykjavík serves as the perfect base for exploring the stunning natural landscapes that surround it. From the rugged coastline of Reykjanes to the majestic Snæfellsnes Peninsula, the breathtaking South Coast, and the enchanting West Iceland, there are several exceptional hiking tours available. Many of the tours mentioned above could also be in this category but here are the best hiking tours from Reykjavík, showcasing the diverse beauty of these regions. Reykjanes is the closest area to Reykjavík though, the top tours there were covered under the Volcano Hikes in Iceland section.

Hiking Tours to Snæfellsnes Peninsula

Horn, the pyramid of Snæfellsnes is a mountain 396 meters above sea level. After the hike and a meal in the middle of the heath, you get to relax in salty ground water tubs in Stykkishólmur. The day ends at Sjávarpakkhúsið restaurant in Stykkishólmur with a cocktail and a four-course meal. 

Lýsuskarð, a hike across Snæfellsnes peninsula takes you from its north to south, from Grundarfoss waterfall to Lýsulaugar mineral algae baths. The day ends at restaurant Hlaðan a Miðhraun Lava Resort with a three-course meal and cocktails. 

Snæfellsjökull Glacier Hike tour starts with a look at Gerðuberg basalt columns, before heading to Ölkelda mineral spring. The next stop is Snæfellsjökull, a 40 minutes drive from Ölkelda. The hike takes about 4-6 hours, starting with putting on the gear and walking for roughly an hour from the parking lot to the glacier. It takes around 3-4 hours to reach the summit of the glacier, 1446 m above sea level. Usually, the stop would be before that, or at 1418 meters due to the steep slope on the last part.

South Coast Hiking Tours

Thorsmork Private Super Jeep Tour from Hvolsvollur includes a 90 minute easy to medium hike in Thorsmork, a nature reserve in the highlands. The route to Thorsmork from the town of Hvolsvollur in a super jeep has several unbridged rivers. On the way from Hvolsvollur, there are stops at the waterfall Seljalandsfoss, Gígjökull glacier and Valahnúkur mountain. 

Private Tour - Glacier Lagoon combined with South Coast of Iceland can take up to 14 hours with many picturesque stops on the way. First are the two waterfalls, Skogafoss and Seljalandsfoss, then Reynisfjara beach and the town of Vík. From there, the tour is heading to Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon and Fjadrargljufur canyon. 

2-Day Tour to Jökulsárlón with Glacier Hike and South Coast Attractions includes highlights of the South Coast, such as the waterfalls Seljalandsfoss, Skógafoss and Gljúfrabúi, Reynisfjara beach and Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon. The glacier hike takes place on Solheimajokull and takes 1.5 hours. The tour includes accommodation for one night at a guesthouse near Seljalandsfoss.
